Slow Travel — The sweet art of Doing Nothing

Avishkar Meshram
2 min readJan 21, 2023


Adieu to Touristy trips with Packed Itineraries and embracing slow travel.

Slow travel is bringing us back to the roots of why we travel. See how you can embrace this mindset to offset travel fatigue and fully immerse yourself in your experiences.

Slow travel is an approach to travel that emphasises connection: to local people, cultures, food and music. It relies on the idea that a trip is meant to educate and have an emotional impact, in the present moment and for the future, while remaining sustainable for local communities and the environment.

From soaking in the lush green views for hours, reading a book by the river, spending quality time with the locals 0r literally passing a day at the mountains Not Doing Anything at all.

Slow travel is truly rejuvenating & not exhausting like touristy travels.

How to Slow Travel

  • Stay with local families in environmentally conscious homestays
  • Try meditation like Vipassana
  • Just admire nature
  • Learn sustainable food Practices, eat the local and organic produce.
  • watch birds
  • watch for waterfalls.
  • Spend time in green views
  • Walk through the village
  • Go farming
  • Indulge in art, cook with locals
  • Watch sun rise/set
  • Simply cycle or take long on the beach or river

Benefits of Slow Travel

  • Prevent “tourist burnout”
  • Save money
  • Make connections
  • Break out of your comfort zone


  • Instagram is full of travel-focused accounts showcasing the world’s most beautiful slow travel places.
  • YouTube gives adrenaline-junkies a perfect platform to share their slow travel experience.
  • Airbnb provides stunning, photo-ready accommodations accessible at every price point.


Avishkar Meshram is an Indian IT Professional from Mumbai, India part-time author considered himself a storyteller, not a writer. He have more than 15 years of experience of writing technical blog — https:/ mainly on Data Engineering which helped data engineers in design,architecture and troubleshooting data engineering solutions/platforms



Avishkar Meshram

20+ years of Technical experience in design, implement and optimize Data Engineering platforms using Database, BI/Big Data.